Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We Believe in Meetings

We don't always (often? ever?) like them, but as Latter-day Saints we hold a lot of them. And I find myself in more of them than I would like these days. In my effort to make meetings more manageable, I've found a few resources that I believe are helpful.

The first comes from Mormon Times, and explains the role of Church meetings and makes some suggestions for how one ought to act in a council or committee meeting. The emphasis on an agenda stands out as being especially pertinent (and with our new ward clerk, I think the quality of the agendas--which I have been hobbling together recently--will improve).

The other is an episode of the Public Speaker podcast, and discusses meetings more generally. Again, the importance of planning the meeting is made clear. This is an area where most Church meetings lack. We hold PEC because we're supposed to, not always because we have a clear vision of what we're supposed to do.

Slowly I'm beginning to see the meetings I attend as necessary and vital parts of ministering, of knowing what needs to be done and who can best do it.


dastew said...

I'm so glad to "just" be a teacher because i don't have to do meetings anymore.

Carma said...

Mine just got cancelled for tonight. Hurray!!! Now what to do with the free evening...maybe update my blog???

pinky said...

Being the ward organist and music chairman requires no meetings, other than the 3 hour block. Dad is having his turn at the 'meeting thing' now and I don't envy him in the least.