Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Headline Idiocy

Actually, it's the sub-title. A commentary piece in today's local paper on the Michael Phelps marijuana photo (it's by Jo-Ann Barnas of the Detroit Free Press, if you want the citation) carried this title: "Young Fans Hurt By Phelps' Actions." Fine so far.

But here's the aformentioned sub-title: "Parents Now Must Talk to Their Kids." (In my most sarcastic voice) "Heaven forbid you have to talk to your kids. Oh no! What's next--spending time with them? Dear me!"

As an added bonus, the article included this line: "Parents of school-age swimmers know they must have yet another heart-to-heart with their children." (More sarcasm) "Not another heart-to-heart. That's two in the past 5 years. Oh my!"


Wife of dastew said...

Can't the tv have a talk with them instead?

ma turner said...

Where do my children get their sarcasm??? Certainly not from their parents; we need to talk.

dastew said...

The economy is free fall, we're fighting two wars, and yet for some reason Michael Phelps is caught on film smoking a bong. This is so not news.